1909 – 2025
The Two Worlds
7th November 1892
Attercliffe Spiritual Evidence Society, Vestry Hall Attercliffe.
Mr. Inman gave a very satisfactory psychometric readings to a crowded meeting.
13th November 1892
Attercliffe Spiritual Evidence Society, Vestry Hall Attercliffe.
Mr. WC Mason of Sheffield gave an address on The Christians with Spiritualists
knowledge of the future life and spiritualism considered from faith compared
The standpoint of reason. A large and intelligent audience.
Submitted by Mr. Johnson, Secretary.
20th January 1893
Attercliffe Spiritual Evidence Society, 99 Liverpool Street, Attercliffe
House owned by Elizabeth Bingham, Widow, age 63, lived with son, Jesse age
30 and three lodgers.
1909 – 2025
The Two Worlds 15th October 1909
Dear Sir or Madam
Attercliffe Spiritual Evidence Society, by constant perseverance and sacrifice, have raised over £360, after paying £30 per year rent, and then not having a place worth of the great and beloved truth we are propagating. The society has a membership of about 80, who are devoted to advancing the happiness and well-being of humanity. We have a staff of officers of most useful and worthy citizens. We also have a lyceum of 90 children and 30 adults, who attend remarkably well considering the hall is very small and inconvenient. We have purchased a freehold site of 1440 sq yards in Bold street, Attercliffe, and have commenced erecting a church at a cost of £800. The building will be a compact structure of iron, having a brick foundation and roofed with asbestos tiles. There are two class rooms, also a kitchen, to be fitted with every requisite. The church will comfortably accommodate 300 people. We are determined our church shall be a centre of spiritual activity and a power of good, worshipping God in conditions of our own making, and we have ample proof of our great need by the hosts of people continually attending our services. We therefore earnestly solicit your hearty co-operation and financial assistance towards this great object.
Donations will be thankfully received.
The stone-laying service will be held on
Saturday 23rd October 1909, at 3pm.
Grand tea at 5pm., in the Vestry Hall Attercliffe
Monstre mass meeting at 7pm.
to be addressed by prominent workers of the movement.
Tea 9d each. Mass meeting free, collection.
Stone-laying Ceremony 23rd October 1909
On a site formerly occupied by the old windmill for many years a famous landmark on Attercliffe Common, the Spiritual evidence Society are erecting a Church.
The gathering was presided over by Mr. E Oaten (organiser) Rev W Cook, Messrs H Webster, R Granger and J Jones
Mr. Jones explained that they have been worshipping in Attercliffe Vestry Hall for about 18 years( the rental cost was £30 per year) and had decided tp build a church worthy of their cause. They had purchased a free hold site in Bold street, Attercliffe.
Mr Oaten said that when the spiritualist movement began there were only three halls in the country, but there were now thirty, and he could see the thirty first going up, for the frame of the building was already erected.
spiritualist were unheeded at first, persecuted later, now people were begining to say there was some truth in spiritualism, and later they would be saying they had know all along that spiritualism were right.
Stones were laid by;
Mr. Webster, President. Mr. Oates on behalf of the Trustees.
Mr. Button, Treasurer of the SNU. Mr. Jones on behalf of the Lyceum.
Mr. Featherstone On behalf of the District Council. Mr. Inman on behalf of the Platform Workers.
Mrs. Johnson on behalf of the Ladies. Mr. Grange for the "Arisen Members."
Mrs. Bacon, Sheffield. Mr. Swindon on behalf of the Heeley Society.
They were representation from societies in.
Chesterfield, Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham, Mexborough, Parkgate, Wombwell, Heeley and Darnall.
Over 200 people attended the ceremony. After the ceremony tea was taken at Attercliffe Vestry Hall, and was followed by a meeting at which several of those who had laid stones delivered addresses.
Opening Ceremony 11th December 1909
The afternoon was typical of Sheffield weather, dull, misty and a chill tang to the air. Attercliffe is a busy district, but Bold Street, at the head of Bradford Street, lies back from the rush and noise of the main road, thus assuring the quiet so necessary for comfort.
The opening exercises were timed for 3pm and punctually to the movement. Mr. Jonathan Oats ascended the steps at the porch way accompanied by the honoured guests.
After the company had sung the opening hymn and Mr. Oaten had offered a fervent invocation, Mt Oates gave a brief outline of the history of the effort now so happily attaining its consummation. Little Miss Mary Walker, a daughter of one of the members, then presented a very handsome bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Appleyard, who then presented to the company for the performance of the opening function.
Mrs. Appleyard who was accorded a very cordial reception, in a delightful little speech said, Ladies and Gentlemen, it affords me very great pleasure to perform the little ceremony which the committee of the church have asked me to conduct this afternoon, and to be associated with my old friend and yours, Mr. JJ Morse. The devotion and earnestness of this church is now crowned with success, and the edifice we are about to enter is the visible sign of the zeal and self-sacrifice, which has animated all concerned.
Spiritualism may not be popular, but there is no question about the sincerity of the spiritualists. This church is to be their home and place of worship, I trust for years to come. It will be for many a quiet corner, apart from the busy world, where the light of the other world will shine and voices there from bring comfort and blessings to many hearts.
A temple in which we shall learn more of our Father's love and wisdom, a place wherein we may unite in spirit and in truth com nearer to Him, our unseen helpers, and to each other, I have great pleasure in unlocking these doors, and in persuit of the eternal truth ask you to enter with me the Attercliffe Spiritual Church.
The chairman then handed Mrs. Appleyard a handsome silver key bearing the following inscription.
Presented to Mrs. Walter Appleyard on the opening of the Attercliffe Spiritual church on 11th December 1909
The doors being duly unlocked the company then filed into the church, and in less than it takes to write it every chair was filled, while numbers were compelled to stand, as over 300 people were contained in the building. Expressions of pleasure and satisfaction were heard on every side.