Services Times:
Monday Open Circle and Healing at 7.30pm - free will donation
Tuesday Open Circle at 1.30pm - free will donation
Wednesday Demonstration of Mediumship at 7.30pm - £2.50 on the door
Friday Specials as Advertised at 7.30pm
(Specials are Ticket only - £3.00 Members & £4.00 Non Members)
Sunday Divine Service at 6.30pm - free will donation
Sunday Divine Service
A Sunday Divine Service is held every Sunday and starts at 6.30 pm.
A Sunday Divine Service usually consists of Prayers, Philosophy, Healing and a demonstration of survival through mediumship, giving spiritual messages to members of the congregation. This is the basis of our Religion. Usually a visiting medium takes this service and all are welcome to attend. There is no entry fee, although a free will donation is collected within the service.
Healing Services are held on Mondays from, all are welcomed into these services.
Attercliffe Spiritualist Church is affiliated to the Spiritual Nationalist Union and follows its Code of Conduct and practice of Spiritual Healing
We Promote and encourage the practice, study and investigation of the art and science of spiritual healing:
All Attercliffe Spiritualist Church Healers are Registered with the S.N.U. and undertake a two-year formal training programme, after which time assessments and upgrading has to be carried out in order to attain Approved Healer Status.
Spiritual Healing is defined by the SNU as being “a form of healing by the uses of forces and energies from God directed through the spirit World and a Spiritual Healer Medium by the laying on of hands on the body, or the direction of thought from a distance, or by prayer when the patient is absent
The healing within Attercliffe spiritualist Church takes place in a pleasant, friendly and comfortable environment.
There is no charge for healing, but if you feel we warrant a donation, it is very much appreciated.
Open Circle
Open Circles are held on Mondays from 7.30 pm Tuesdays from 1.30 pm The Open circle allows everyone (members and visitors) an opportunity to use and develop his or her own mediumistic skills. Everyone sits in a seated circle, and beginners and trained mediums alike can practice their gifts and give messages to others, or can simply choose to just sit quietly in the energies surrounding the circle. At our Open Circles there is always a member of Attercliffe Spiritualist Church's Committee in charge of the Circle that will answer any questions that you may have.
There is no entry fee although a free will donation is collected within the service.
Specials are as advertised under forthcoming events, and are usually where a well-known visiting Medium carries out a demonstration of survival through mediumship – giving spiritual messages to members of the congregation .